Back in 2015 I wrote an article here called Automating Your Email Marketing – STOP THAT. It was less of an article and more of a rant. There’s nothing that makes me delete an email quicker than when the subject line or the ‘to’ line is incorrect or clearly automated.
That sort of thing was pretty common in 2015. Let’s be honest, email marketing was still in its infancy at that time (at least compared to today). But it’s 2020… that sort of thing doesn’t STILL happen today. Right?
I got the above email just the other day, during this global pandemic. I said it in my previous post and I’ll repeat it here. “This is lazy at best and insulting at worst. Either way, between this, misspellings and incorrect capitalization this was automatic delete. Not only that, but I filed this name away in my metal Rolodex of folks I’d not really want to work with in the future.”
Don’t do this folks. It is the best way to lose a potential customer. Hope you’re staying healthy, safe and (relatively) sane through these crazy times.