When Bruce Wood needed a refresh to the content on his website (under a strict timeline) he reached out to us and we were happy to assist. Bruce’s site, workcompworks.net had been originally set up using GoDaddy’s Website Builder platform. Rather than rebuild from scratch we utilized the site that was there and made some content refreshes to ensure that Bruce was putting his best foot forward and meeting some regulatory deadlines that had been set forth.
About Bruce and WorkCompWorks
Bruce Wood is a recognized expert in national workers’ compensation law and policy, including benefit design and delivery, as well as the insurance mechanism. He spent 27 years with the American Insurance Association (AIA), where for the last 20 years he headed the workers’ compensation practice in the AIA Law Department. Mr. Wood’s prior experience includes serving on the personal staff of a Member of Congress, as Republican Counsel for Labor with the House Education & Labor Committee, deputy director of the Labor Department’s Congressional Affairs Office during the Reagan Administration, and Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board. His legislative experience and policy expertise gives him cross-over capabilities, covering both policy and political realms.
You can find Bruce Wood and WorkCompWorks on the web on the web at workcompworks.net.
Does your site need a content refresh? Do you think a full redesign is too much of an undertaking or too costly? Contact us today for a site audit to see what needs to be done. We’d love to work with you put the digital face on your business it deserves.