Landmark Mews Community Association
Landmark Mews Community Association

KTC Digital is proud to announce the launch of an updated website for a long term client the Landmark Mews Community Association (LMCA) located at

Landmark Mews is located right outside of Washington, D.C. in Fairfax county Virginia.  KTC Digital built their first website in 2004 and we’ve been handling website updates for them ever since.  When it was time for an upgrade to their site we were thrilled that the community asked us to help.

All of the content from the previous site was migrated into a content management system which will allow the LMCA board to update the site in real time.  In addition to content management, the LMCA board wanted to ensure that their community documents were kept safe and secure.  Access to board meeting minutes and key documents is kept safe through a members only login system and a SSL certificate that utilizes the same encryption as major financial institutions.

The original website was built on an outdated programming language that made updates very time consuming to perform.  Additionally, their hosting plan didn’t allow for the level of security that the community required.  We upgraded both the hosting platform as well as the infrastructure of the site.  Now that the system has been upgraded we will begin focusing on the look and feel of the website in the coming months.

Features of the new Landmark Mews website include:

  • Customized content management system (CMS)
  • Integrated analytics to track visitors to the site and which content is being accessed
  • Secure socket layer (SSL) protocols for encrypting important community information
  • Residents only password protected area

KTC Digital is thrilled to continue our relationship with the Landmark Mews Community Association and look forward to continued work with them in the future!

About LMCA

Landmark Mews was not arbitrarily named – true to Webster’s definition of mews it is a hideaway. At its vantage point atop the rise along Stevenson Avenue, the Mews is briefly visible from I-395. Bordered by only two streets, Stevenson Ave and Stultz Road, and nestled behind an aesthetic brick wall, the community is an oasis of calm inside the beltway.

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